Privacy Policy 

    Under the provision of the Information Technology Act of 2000, one does not require any physical, electronic, or digital signature on the policy. Hence, we have here mentioned our privacy policy, to inform our readers about the rules and regulations that they must stay aware of. 

    Collection of Information & Usage of Cookies

    Vanillatimes collects its users’ information with the help of automated cookies and pixels. Information that we collect includes your IP address, Location, Email Address, and other minimal data. You must not worry about any data breach or related issues, as we make sure to respect your privacy. All data we collect helps us to impart a more personalized and enhanced experience to our users, by marketing and notifying them. 

    Sharing of Infomation 

    The collected data and information on the website, are assured to be kept safe and used only to provide a better user experience. We use the collected information to give relatable recommendations, and personalized experiences to users. Furthermore, we also make sure that none of your information is sent to any unknown or third-party sources without your consent.

    Terms & Conditions

    While using Vanillatimes, you also agree to all the terms and conditions that the website posts to the readers. We have mentioned all our terms and conditions for the usage of the website in the above-provided information. One must refer to and read the provided information carefully to resolve any query. A breach of any rules and regulations might lead us to take strong actions. This may also result in hindrance to your seamless user experience. 

    Furthermore, we would also like to inform our readers that our Disclaimer Policy, Privacy Policy, and even Terms& Conditions can be updated at any time. This update or amendment can happen any time seeing any legal matters, without any prior intimation.