In the digital world, safeguarding personal information has become one of the primary things to do. But, what about safeguarding the system from a pop up advertisement, link directing to another page or making the browser page to visit one of the kind pages. One such advertisement that fills up the system with plenty of bugs is known as Affinity. In this blog, we are going to cover overall information on, its features,and step by step process to remove the virus.

    Overview on

    Affinity is mainly a cross browser plug-in. It is basically used in several browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Chrome. Here, Plug in means a component of software that adds a particular feature to any existing computer program. When is installed it automatically adds a lot of free programs in the computer systems. It results in a lot of advertisements, pop ups, and text links. Usually no one is able to understand how these unwanted applications and extensions are downloaded. Accordingly, this is what clearly states that this is a virus which can harm the system in the long run. 

    The virus is basically designed in order to make more money. Technically it is not a virus, but it does have many hostile, evil or spiteful traits that interfere with the user’s experience. The IT industry usually refers to it as “PUP” which stands for Potentially Unwanted Programs.

    Features and Impact of

    The browser extension, is not a virus. According to my knowledge it does show annoying advertisements and make money through it. Well,  the way it impacts the use of internet and safety of the system are as follows:

    • The Unwanted Advertisement: The Affinity virus fills up the system with unwanted regular pop up or text content if working online. These advertisements can be disturbing and quite annoying at times.
    • Browser Extension: The extension works as a plug-in for internet browsers and helps to show advertisements when working online.
    • Extra Earning: The virus gives an opportunity to the creators by making more money through affiliate advertising and marketing. 
    • Data Collection: The extension may have a data collection of what and which site the user visits. Which is an act of Invasion of privacy and can create a security threat. These privacy invasions can target the user with some more advertisements. 

    Removal of the Pop Up Ads

    The process one needs to  follow in order to remove unwanted advertisement or pop up from system are as follows:

    Step 1: Uninstall the virus from Computer System

    The first step is to find out and remove the infectious program that could have been installed on the Computer system. To do so one needs to follow these steps:

    1.  Click on Start Button, select Control Panel and click on Uninstall a program 
    2.  When the Remove program or Uninstall a Program screen is visible. Scroll through the list of recent installation programs and uninstall Affinity, LyricsViewer, LyricXeeker, Plus-HD 1.3, LyricsGet, BetterSurf, Downloadkepper, SurfEnchance, Feven 1.7, LyricsWoofer, LyricsFan, SimpleLyrics or any other recently installed unknown programs
    3. If the user can not identify a program that has installed the Affinity adware virus. The program may have a different name or not be installed on the system. In this case follow the next step to safeguard the various browsers

    Step 2: Remove the Pop up ads from Internet Explorer, Chrome and Firefox adware removal from Internet explorer:

    1. Open Internet explorer, click on Gear icon present at the top, Click on Internet Option
    2. In the Internet option box, click on Advanced tab and then on Reset Button
    3. At the Reset Internet explorer, C;lick on Delete Personal Setting , then on Reset option
    4. When Internet Explorer finishes resetting, click Close in the confirmation box and then click the OK button present there. For the final time Close and open Internet Explorer. adware removal from Firefox

    1. At the top of the window click on firefox button, move to the Help menu and click on Troubleshooting Information
    2. Click on the Reset Firefox button at the top right corner of the Troubleshooting Information page.
    3. Click on Reset Firefox on the window visible.
    4. Firefox will soon close down and will be reset. As it’s done, a window that contains the list of information that was imported will appear. Click Finish adware removal from Google Chrome

    1. Click on Chrome menu present on the browser toolbar, select Tools and click on Extension
    2. On the Extensions tab, remove Affinity, or any other unknown extensions by just clicking on the delete trash button or icon

    Step 3: Easy to do process with help of Various Programs

    There are many antivirus applications and programs one could download in order to clean out the computer system having Affinity adware and extension. Some of the programs and applications which I have used and can be helpful to other users are as follows;

    1. AdwCleaner
    2. Malwarebytes Anti Malware Free
    3. Hitman Pro

    All these programs scan and identify various Affinity viruses. Then cleans it out making the system Safe and Secure for future use. It makes the work much easier and also protects the system application from various viruses. 

    Ways to Stay Safe Online 

    • Install and use any antivirus program and make sure to keep it updated every time.
    • Keep all the software and programs updated.
    • When installing a nеw application, always be on alert . Choose custom installations to kееp the system safe from installing any unwanted software with other downloads.
    • Usе Ad blockers to control  the threat of harmful and malicious commercials. 
    • Well, always bе carеful about when downloading from internet
    • Stay safe from unknown еmails and suspicious mеssagеs. Don’t click on any link and download attachmеnts from unknown rеsourcеs.
    • Keep the important application and documеnts updated rеgularly. In case if the system gets infected with malware, the user may not losе any important rеcord.
    • Choose strong and a spеcific passwords for all accounts. Do not use personal information as a password. Enable two factor authentication which makеs it quite tough for the hackеrs to crack thеm.


    If the computer system has been infected by the, then there’s still a way to keep your system safe and secure. This blog has covered all possible ways one could follow in order to safeguard their system and other important browsers or applications. The result of the research done by me on a few safety measures one could take in order to keep the system safe has also been mentioned. 

    Disclaimer: All the Information provided above about the system virus is based on our own research and it is for informational purposes only. The user may visit and take help from many anti-virus platforms to safeguard their system. Furthermore, in non compliance of the information do visit other portal for in-depth information.