When it comes to doing dishes there are majorly only two sets of people. The first set loves to do the dishes among all the kitchen tasks and feels it is the most satisfying task. While on the other hand, the other set will not even like to touch dishes for them being messy. But to be a little truthful to my readers, I am in the first set with some modifications, confused. Then let me tell you that, while I love to do dishes, the splashing spoon is something that disheartens me. If you are also like me, then this blog is definitely for you. Not to sound lame but today I have researched on this matter to find a solution for yourself. So, definitely, I would love to share it with you, want to know how to wash a spoon without splashing then keep reading till the very end as we unravel the solution step by step.  

    Knowing the Science Behind Splashing Spoon

    The science behind splashing is that the water droplets form when the surface tension of the water is disrupted. It typically occurs, when water collides with an object at a high velocity or with a large surface area. While in the case of a spoon, the bowl or say the little depth of the spoon creates a significant surface area for the water to impact. Hence resulting in pesky splashes that soak you in the foam and water. 

    How to Wash a Spoon Without Splashing?

    Now that you are aware of the little science behind the splashing spoon. It’s high time to answer your query on how to wash a spoon without splashing. In this section, we are going to explore certain measures that you can follow.

    Controlling Water Flow

    • Gentle Stream: A high speed of the flowing water results in high velocity hence becoming one of the major culprits of the splashing spoon. So if you want to counter that, then you must try reducing the water pressure to a gentle and steady flow. 
    • Single Stream: Keep an eye on the flow of the water, if it flows in a concentrated stream or into a single stream. Then it is going to cause little or no splash in comparison to the wide dispersing water spray. 

    Working on the Spoon Angle

    • Downward Angle: You need to hold the spoon at an angle with depth or the bowl of the spoon facing downwards. This will minimise the surface area exposed to the water, thereby reducing the chances of splashing water on you. This is the best suitable answer for how to wash a spoon without splashing. 
    • Gentle Movements: If you are going to be hasty while washing a spoon then you are most likely to create a mess. Because you must be a little smooth, have controlled movements, instead of abrupt or jerky motions. As it is going to be the best way to prevent the water from splashing on you while you are doing the spoon. 

    Leveraging Dishwashing Detergent

    • Foam Factor: When you use a dishwasher it generates a huge amount of foam. This foam is going to act as a barrier for you as it absorbs the impact of the water, acts as a barrier and hence helps in reducing the splashing. 
    • Soapy Solution: Firstly you can also create a soapy solution in the sink, submerge the spoon in the solution before, rinsing it off. This process is going to break any food particles present on the spoon, thereby reducing any chances of forceful water splashing. 

    Using Dishwashing Tools

    • Sponge: While you use a sponge or other soft material or tool to wash the spoon it will absorb any excess water. This will help you not only with gentle cleaning but will also enable you to avoid any splashing of water. 
    • Dish Brush: If there are any dried food particles on the spoon, then cleaning it with a dish brush is going to be the best and most rapid solution. It will clean your spoon in no time, and will also curb down the need of much water. 

    Drying Technique

    • Immediate Drying: Once you clean your spoon make sure that you wash it promptly to avoid any watermarks. This immediate drying will make your spoon look cleaner without being messy and making it presentable. 
    • Air Dry: If you have time then make sure that you keep your spoon on the kitchen self upside down. This will prevent any water accumulation, and will also safeguard your spoon from creating any water droplet mark. 

    Tips on how to wash a spoon without splashing

    Listed below are some of the additional tips that are going to be helpful for your answer for, how to wash a spoon without splashing. To know about them keep reading the provided details till the very end. 

    • Sink Size: When you do your dishes in a large sink you get more space to manoeuvre dishes. This reduces the likelihood of any accidental splash while you are busily washing the dishes to do it fast. 
    • Use Rubber Gloves: While you are doing your dishes, you can also use rubber gloves along with apparel over you. This will safeguard your hands from being soaked in the water. In addition to this, the apparel will prevent you from getting soaked. 
    • Pre-Rinse: In case your spoon is heavily soled then we recommend you to soak it for a while and then rinse it off with water. It will avoid any unnecessary splashing of water while you do dishes in a hurry. 


    To sum up, the blog carries almost all the crucial details about which one needs to know. While you read this blog that has been framed with the use of simple language and thorough research you will not only get answers to, how to wash a spoon without splashing. Rather you will also get to understand the science behind splashing along with some additional washing. All these details are going to help you in the long run to avoid creating any mess in your kitchen space.