As we all know that there are different religions and religious books, whom we consider the message of god. Everyone can choose the book they want to have as their rights. But, From the various books, which religion book is scientifically proven? so, in this article we will discuss it. Today we will talk about the different popular religious books and the relation of religion and science.
Understanding the Relation of Science and Religion
Science and religion are the two different terms. Science grows with testable results, reliable evidence, and the objective truth. The methods and evidence of science are for exploring and understanding the natural world with experiments and analysis. On the other hand, religious beliefs are based on traditions, faith and personal experiences.
Which Religion Book is Scientifically Proven
While talking about the religious books that are scientifically proven, there are two types of the term. Meanwhile, The one side of it, says that the book is providing scientific meaning and methods. On the other hand, it says that the book may be helpful for humans, including their health and social activity. But, if you take it as completely based on scientific reason then you will not find any book that is proper in justice of science. But, we can say that these books are helpful for each individual for living a healthy and happy life.
Moving forward, we know the different religious books are Bhagvad Gita, Bible and Quran that are followed by different religions. so, below we will talk about these books in brief.
Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita, is one of the spiritual books followed by Hinduism. People from hindu religion consider the book as the guide of the right path. The book has shown the conversation between lord krishna and arjuna, where krishna is showing the right path to Arjun. God has described the details about the creature including the formation, living, meeting and more. He has described the real truth to him and explained the wrong path while showing the right one. The book can be helpful for each human as it helps them to live stress free and happily, and it is proven by science.

Bible is a religious book which is followed by Christians, they also find it as the way to connect or meet with god. The book is divided into the two parts such as old testaments and new. The old testament describes the God, right paths and the ancient scripts. On the other hand, the new testament focuses on Judaism, it describes the types of scripts and the lifestyle of people in the old era.

It is a holy book of Islam. The islamic people follow this book, it tells about Allah and Muhammad, a 23 years old man. As per the book, he was the last form of the god who came to the earth to help people around him. The book is written in Arabic and other different languages. As per the islam, Mohammad is their god and they will meet with him after his death. It guides the muslims about the food, worship, daily works and more.
In this article we have talked about the different holy books, including Bhagavad Gita, Bible and Quran. All books have their own importance in their respective religions. Along with this, we understood the relation of science and religion including the meaning of scientifically proven books. The book works as the guidance and guides the people to live a healthy and happy lifestyle.